Friday, September 21, 2007


The first book to unlock the true power behind Gmail, Hacking Gmail will immediately appeal to Google and Gmail fans This is serious, down-and-dirty, under-the-hood, code-level hacking that will have readers eliminating the default settings, customizing appearance, disabling advertising, and taking control over their Gmail accounts Covers turning Gmail into an online hard drive for backing up files, using it as a blogging tool, and even creating customized Gmail tools and hacks Shows readers how to check their Gmail without visiting the site; use Gmail APIs in Perl, Python, PHP, and other languages, or create their own; and maximize Gmail as a host for message boards, photo galleries, even a blog

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An interesting insight into BUSH`s private matters (in this case his inbox!!!!)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Step 10: The Last One

minicom into /dev/tty.baseband. If you already used up your
attempt counter, the phone should already be unlocked. If not
just run 'AT+CLCK="PN",0,"00000000". That will unlock the
phone for sure. Run 'AT+CLCK="PN",2'. It should finally return
Your phone is now unlocked. Exit minicom and copy the
CommCenter plist back to its place. Reboot. iASign. And enjoy
your unlocked iPhone.


The final tool is iUnlocker. This tool uploads a small program,
"", to the baseband using the bootrom exploit. This
program needs to be in a dir with "nor", the file you obtained in
the last step. You need to have the switch on when running this
program. This will download and run the code in ""
Then the program will stop and ask to to turn off the switch.
Do so. You type any character then hit enter. The nor download
starts right away. When the counter reaches 0x2E4000, it is
done. Run "bbupdater -v". Hopefully it will return the xgendata.
If is does, the nor upload was successful.



Now its time to patch the firmware. Thanks to gray for finding
these patches, this required some very complicated reversing.
First, you need to extract the firmware from your nor dump.
The range you need is 0x20000-0x304000. Save this file as "nor".
The patches you need to apply are as follows. These are offsets
from the begininning of the file to saved as "nor". Choose your
version, and patch.
3.12: (213740): 04 00 a0 e1 -> 00 00 a0 e3
3.14: (215148): 04 00 a0 e1 -> 00 00 a0 e3
Resave the file nor, you'll need it soon...


So here is the first tool release, iEraser. This erases the current
firmware on your modem. Don't worry, you can always put it
back with bbupdater. Here how the bootrom check works; it
reads from 0xA0000030 0xA000A5A0 0xA0015C58 0xA0017370
and all these addresses must read as blank, or 0xFFFFFFFF.
When you erase flash, it becoms 0xFFFFFFFF. But you can't
erase those locations, because they are in the bootloader. So
thats where the testpoint comes in. Pulling A17 high hardware
OR's the address bus with 0x00040000(offset one because data
bus is 16 bit) So the bootrom instead checks locations
0xA0040030 0xA004A5A0 0xA0045C58 0xA0047370, which are in
the main firmware and can be erased. Pretty genius :)
To use this tool, you need the secpack from your modems
version. The erase of this section is protected. Check the
modem version in Settings->About. It'll either be 3.12(1.0) or
3.14(1.0.1 and 1.0.2). You need the ramdisk which cooresponds
to your version. Then go into "/usr/local/standalone/firmware"
and get the ICE*.fls file. Extract 0x1a4-0x9a4 and save it in a
file called secpack and place it in the same directory as the
ieraser tool. Run ieraser. This should erase the modem
firmware and leave you one more step on your way to



Now, with the switch off, your baseband should be working
perfectly. Here you should take a NOR dump of your phone. The
dev team's NORDumper is a great way to do this. This is good to
have in case something goes wrong. You can extract the
firmware from this as well, which we'll get to later.



If it passed the checks in step 4, congratulate yourself. You are
a pro solderer. Go eat lunch. If not, don't worry yet. I must've
thought I bricked my phone 100 times. First of all, to power up
your phone you don't need to reconnect the case with the
power button. Just connect it with USB, it'll power itself up.
Secondly, don't waste time compiling minicom. Download the
binary here, and termcap here.

binary minicom


Ok, time to test what you just soldered. First use the continuity
check on a multimeter to make sure the wires aren't shorting to
ground or to each other. Make sure your switch is in the off
position. Power up your iPhone. Hopefully it didn't smoke :)
Now go into minicom to tty.baseband and send a few
commands, AT a few times will do. It should respond OK. Now
flip your switch, the baseband should stop responding. Even
when you flip it back, the baseband still shouldn't respond. Be
sure your switch is off, then open another ssh and run
"bbupdater -v" You can get bbupdater off the ramdisk. This
should reset the baseband, and minicom should start working
again. If it did this, your soldering is most likely good, and you
are ready to actually start unlocking your phone!!!


My Finished Step 3
Hopefully yours will look like this.


The red line is covering the A17 trace. In order to trick the chip
into thinking the flash is erased in the correct section, you will
need to pull this high. Scrape away at the trace with something
like a multimeter probe. Then solder a very thin wire to it. Be
very careful. Only scrape away at that solder mask above that
one trace. YOU DO NOT WANT TO BREAK THE TRACE. This is the
hardest step in the whole process; the rest is cake. Also solder
a wire to the 1.8v line. Connect to wire coming from the trace
and the wire coming from the 1.8v to your unlock switch. Be
careful, you only get one chance to do this right.


Also remove the metal cover over the comm board. This is all
the disassembly you have to do. If you feel like being safe,
desolder the battery red lead. I didn't :)


First, I would like to say thanks again to gray, iProof, dinopio,
lazyc0der, anonymous, the dev team, nightwatch, and
everyone who donated. Without them, there would be no
unlock today, and I surely wouldn't be up at 8AM.
Second, you may brick your iPhone using this tutorial. YOU ARE
Okay on to the actual step. Remove the black part, the three
screws, and the aluminum case. Disconnect the wire connecting
the phone to the case. Do not remove anything else. Comment
on these posts if you are with me so far. Once we get a good
number of comments I'll move on.

IPHONE unlocked!!!

Yes thats right, we have an unlocked iPhone. The hardware is
only used to unlock the iPhone, and can be removed after it's
unlocked. Thanks to gray, iProof, geohot, dinopio, lazyc0der,
and an anonymous contributor for making this possible. Thanks
also to everyone who donated and stuck with us in
#iphone.unlock. Our group has agreed to release the method in
one week. The current method involves taking apart your
phone and doing some complicated soldering, with a high
probablity of a bricked phone. Although after the phone is
unlocked all the hardware can be removed. We hope to find a
software unlock very soon. So in one week exactly from this
blog post(thats less than the time it takes to ship a turbosim)
we will release simple step by step instructions for unlocking,
probably not even involving hardware. Sorry about the wait,
but I assure you it will be worth it.

What you need

--First, an iPhone. Of the sshed and jailbroken variety. Also, kill
commcenter by moving the LaunchDaemon plist out of the
--Some trusty case opener tools(read: guitar picks) Read one of
the many tutorials available online for taking apart your phone.
--A soldering iron. This should've cost you more than $10.
--Fine pitch wire. I used magnet wire salvaged from a little
--An unlock switch. The bigger and more badass, the better. Or
if you are cheap, wire cutters :-)
--A red bull. This requires concentration, something I don't have
without Red Bull

Friday, September 07, 2007